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Purchasing for People and Planet


I am part of a US enterprise that prioritizes people and the planet and offers products or services


I work with multiple US enterprises that prioritize people and the planet


I want to help my organization purchase from enterprises that prioritize people and the planet

What We Do

Purchasing with Purpose makes it easier to find and buy from enterprises that create stronger communities and a better world.


We bring together enterprises, networks and supporters in the United States that prioritize people and the planet over profit maximization.


Together, we're co-creating strong, local economies that put people and the planet first.


Image credits: Curbside Enterprises, Construct the Present, Spectrum Designs, First Step Staffing, Equal Exchange, Rebel Nell, Curt's Cafe, Foster Trees, NYSID

It can be difficult to find enterprises  that put people and the planet first in the US because the movement has emerged bottom-up. Different terminology is used in different networks, regions, and sectors.

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People and Planet First

The Purchasing with Purpose collective uses a low-cost global verification to prevent socialwashing and greenwashing, complement existing certifications and bridge across traditional divides.


It includes social enterprises, cooperatives, earned-income nonprofits, fair trade enterprises, green businesses, steward-owned companies, benefit corporations, local independent businesses, and all initiatives that meet the 5 standards.

By working together, we are able to increase the visibility of the broader movement and open opportunities that no single network or organization could open on its own.

Participating Networks

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Join Us

Do you want to purchase with purpose in your own home or workplace?
Do you work with an enterprise that puts people and planet first?
Are you part of a network of enterprises that meet the 5 standards?
Are you involved in purchasing or procurement in your organization?
Do you want to start a Purchasing with Purpose program in your local community?
Enter your name, email address, and a message to receive updates on new developments or set up a call.

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You can support our ecosystem building work by donating via Card, Bank, PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Crypto, Stocks and DAF's - just click the Contribute button in the menu bar - thanks

© 2024 Purchasing with Purpose | All Rights Reserved

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